ASAP Communiqué

…for students in the IMAS and IDAS programs at NCCU.

Archive for the month “February, 2017”

International Journal of Taiwan Studies: Call for Papers

International Journal of Taiwan Studies (IJTS) is an academic journal cosponsored by Academia Sinica and the European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS) to be launched in March 2018. IJTS is an ambitious project as it aims to be a principal outlet for the dissemination of cutting-edge research on Taiwan in the areas of social sciences, as well as arts and humanities. It will need your support and contribution in order to realise its full potential.
I hope you will consider submitting your research paper to the IJTS. The submission process is very easy as the publisher, Brill, has completed an online system for the journal:
Meanwhile if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the IJTS Editorial Office. They will endeavour to help as much as they can. Please find below a Call for Papers from the IJTS, as well as a PDF copy of the Instructions for Authors:

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